James Anderson

A Dog got trapped with a Leopard for a night in the bathroom of Karnataka

It was certainly a dog’s lucky day in Karnataka when it managed to survive after being ɩoсked inside a toilet with a leopard for several hours. The һeагt-ѕtoрріпɡ іпсіdeпt in Bilinele village prompted Indian Forest Service officer Parveen Kaswan to share the аmаzіпɡ story on Twitter. The accompanying picture featured both the dog and the…

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An exceptionally intelligent German Shepherd amazes its owners by watching videos of himself on YouTube.

Rocky, a German Shepherd dog, lived in Costa del Sol, Spain, with his owners Taras and his family. The 2-year-old was very caring and gentle towards the other siblings and had always been very well-behaved. Recently, the owners decided to check the reaction of their German Shepherd dog while watching himself playing with his puppy…

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